* * * Call for Short Chapter * * * Handbook * * * Call for Short Chapter * * *
Computational Science and Engineering Collection

Title: "Scientific Computing, Communicability and Cultural Heritage: Future Trends in Software and Interactive Design"

Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Domen Verber (Maribor, Slovenia), Chih-Fang Huang: (Zhongli, Taiwan), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada) and Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA)
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Luisa Varela (Perpignan, France) and Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway)

Important Dates:

• Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: Closed
• Proposal Acceptance Due Date: Closed
• Full Chapter Submission Deadline:Closed
• Planned Publishing Date: 2013
Color printing for all our publications

Scientific computing is interested with constructing models and quantitative analysis techniques and using computers to study and solve scientific problems. In practical use, it is typically the application of computer simulation and other forms of computation and theoretical computer science to problems in various scientific disciplines, for instance, the digital culture and interactive systems.

Digital culture and interactive systems is an emerging field loaded with huge potentiality, of a great fertility due to the for a continuous development of new multimedia contents and its massive distribution. And this potentiality is especially meaningful in the field cultural and natural heritage, tourism, education, digital art, virtual museum, mixed reality, etc. More ...


* * * Call for Chapter * * * Handbook * * * Call for Chapter * * *
HCI Collection

Title: "Strategies for a Creative Future with Computer Science, Quality Design and Communicability"

Editor: Francisco V. C. Ficarra
Co-editors: Kim Veltman (Maastricht, Netherlands), Domen Verber (Maribor, Slovenia), Jacqueline Alma (Vancouver, Canada) and Andreas Kratky (Los Angeles, USA)
Editorial Assistants: Mary Brie (La Valletta, Malta), Jim Carré (Willemstad, Curaçao) and Donald Nilson (Oslo, Norway)

Important: The handbook has a new deadline, after multiple requests

• Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline: *** still open ***
• Proposal Acceptance Due Date: one/two week/s, after the submission
• Full Chapter Submission Deadline:*** still open ***
• Planned Publishing Date: 2014
Color printing for all our publications

One of the key elements in the evolution of human kind has been creativity. Creativity is a term that is associated with the originality of solutions in the face of some given problems, which have led the scientific community to accumulate a series of discoveries and inventions along time which have revolutionized the daily coexistence of human beings.

Creativity applied to the new or latest technologies, according to the perspective from which it is watched by the user of the on-line and off-line interactive systems, is without any doubt any of the environments where the knowledge of the different disciplines converge.

The new technologies offer us a series of instruments to develop the potential of human beings with the goal of increasing the quality of life of millions of users of interactive systems in our global village. The relation of the triad computer science, quality design and communicability has proven very productive in the new millennium. More ...


* * * Call for Chapter * * * Handbook * * * Call for Chapter * * *
Cyber Behaviour Collection

Title: "Web Attacks, Security Computer Science and Parochialism of the Cyber Destructors: Concepts and Analysis from Informatics and Social Sciences"

Editors: Francisco V. C. Ficarra et al.
Editorial Assistants: Sonia Flores (Spain), Amélie Bordeaux (France) and Valeria Villarreal (La Pampa, Argentina)

Important: The handbook has new dates, after multiple requests

• Chapter Proposal Submission Deadline:Still open
• Proposal Acceptance Due Date: one/two week/s, after the submission
• Full Chapter Submission Deadline:Still open
• Planned Publishing Date: 2014
Color printing for all our publications

In the era of the expansion of communicability, it is easy to observe how the online behavior of the medieval brotherhood stays identical, in all the geography of our planet. Internet has a set of problems related not only to the safety of the digital information, but also the appearance of pressure groups who take advantage of the anonymity of the net to attack everything which does not play by their rules, credos or other formulas who attempt against the freedom of people and democracy in the digital information society.

Since the genesis of the democratization of the Internet, people being have been unwittingly the apex in which a series of changes in the daily life. The problems are international criminal brotherhoods and corrupt groups because they have an excellent and powerful medium "Internet", with limited costs and with an almost worldwide scope of their operations. The main goal is always the same: smearing people, attack institutions, breeding conflicts, etc.

Now from the technological point of view there is a wide set of applications and mechanisms stemming from the software and the hardware to prevent unauthorized access to the personalized information with the purpose of tutoring the privacy of the information, such as: firewalls, antivirus, open software applications or specialized electronic devices. More ...


* * * Proceedings * * *
International Conferences, Workshops, Symposiums, etc.

Academic CD Proceedings: SETECEC 2012  (Venice, Italy) :: ISBN 978.88.96.471.12.8 ::  DOI: 10.978.8896471/128

Advances in New Technolog4ies, Interactive Interfaces and Communicability (ADNTIIC 2011): Design, E-commerce, E-learning, E-health, E-tourism, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Human-Computer Interaction, Tourism and Cultural Heritage

* * * Others Releases * * *
Santiagueñidad Siglo XXI

Santiagueñidad Siglo XXI :: DVD 1 :: FundArIngenioSantiagueñidad Siglo XXI :: CD-ROM 2 :: FundArIngenio

Welcome to Blue Herons Editions!

The origin of this publishing project is to be found in the Canadian lands, where nature presents itself generous in many places of its wide geography. More...

Education, Communicability, Design, Computer Science, HCI, Computer Graphics and Computer Animation:

We focus on education and new technologies with 30 years long experience. More...

Literature and Journalism:

Intersection between universal literature, local new journalism (true stories), sociology and legal immunity. Two collections:

- Casoncelli Bergamaschi

It is a typical bergamasque dough filled with meat, similar to the raviolis. More...

- Menjar Blanc & Black

It is a typical sweet of the Catalan coast and the Balearic Islands. More...

Others New Releases:

Quality and Communicability for Interactive  Hypermedia Systems

Persuasion On-Line and Communicability: The Destruction of Credibility in the Virtual Community and Cognitive Models

Advances in Dynamic and Static Media for Interactive Systems: Communicability, Computer Science and Design (Cipolla-Ficarra, F. et al. Eds. - Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy)

Computational Informatics, Social Factors and New Information Technologies: Hypermedia Perspectives and Avant-Garde Experiencies in the Era of Communicability Expansion :: Blue Herons Editions (Canada, Argenitna, Spain and Italy)

New Horizons in Creative Open Software, Multimedia, Human Factors and Software Engineering :: Blue Herons Editions (Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy)

Emerging Software for Interactive Interfaces, Database, Computer Graphics and Animation: Pixels and the New Excellence in Communicability, Cloud Computing and Augmented Reality :: Blue Herons (Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy)

Computer Engineering and Innovations in Education for Virtual Learning Environments, Intelligent Systems and Communicability: Multimedia Mobile Technologies, Experiences in Research and Quality Educational Trends :: Blue Herons (Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy)

Advanced Research and Trends in New Technologies, Software, Human-Computer Interaction, and Communicability

See all others new releases in books, CD, DVD, etc. More ...

Call for Papers: ADNTIIC 2014 :: HCITOCH 2014 :: SETECEC 2014 :: HIASCIT 2014 :: CCGIDIS 2014 :: IPCTIIC 2014 | HCITISI 2014 :: MSIVISM 2015