* * * Call for Chapters * * * Handbook * * * Call for Chapters * * *

Computational Science and Engineering Collection

Title: "New Priority in Computing Systems and Evaluation Tools: Lines of Action for Artificial Intelligence Use and Elimination of Autocratic Elements in Ethics and STREAM"

Handbook Aims

Therefore, this editorial project aims to bring together an unpublished collection of methods, techniques, tools, and so forth, to evaluate within the current cornucopia of terms and models that circulate in the various media and educational, productive, business centers, for example, which are directly related to computer science and engineering associated with it: Human-AI interaction, human-computer interaction, user experience, user-centered design, information and communication technologies, algocracy (government by algorithm), etc.

Our purpose is to generate guides and instruments to guide users, content generators, programmers, engineers, and so forth, allowing them to quickly discern whether data and interactive information contain dangerous indices of autocracy, technocracy and theocracy when working in the following triad: AI, ethics and STREAM.

This does not mean that this triad cannot include other social and/or technical issues related to formal / factual / natural sciences, software engineering, cloud computing, internet of things, computer graphics, deep learning, robot-computer interaction, workplace safety, ergonomics, industrial automation, digital art, disruptive edu-tech, children’s learning, human & social factors, professional harassment, descriptive ethics, advanced interface, interactive design, metaverse, quantum computing, among other topics of great impact, that make direct and indirect reference to theories, experiences, results, lessons learned, projects in development, and so on.

The principal topics and subtopics covered include but are not limited to (alphabetical order):


Two-stage submission: First, interested researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a chapter proposal clearly stating your focused domain problems and contributions related to one of the above topics due on * Open *; second, authors of accepted proposals will be notified by "between two / three weeks after the submission/s" about the status of their proposals and sent chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters are due by * Open *. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a triple-blind review basis. The handbook is scheduled to be published in 2024 by Blue Herons Editions (Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy).

Editorial Advisory Board and List of Reviewers

:: Alan Radley. University of London (UK)
:: Alejandra Quiroga. University of Sydney (Australia)
:: Alejandro Frangi. University of Sheffield (UK)
:: Andrea Albarelli. Ca' Foscari University (Italy)
:: Andreas Kratky. University of Southern California (USA)
:: Annamaria Poli. University of Milano Bicocca (Italy)
:: Amanda Rivera. University of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
:: Bruno Cernuschi Frías. University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
:: Chia-Wen Tsai. Ming Chuan University (Taiwan)
:: Carlos García Garino. National University of Cuyo (Argentina)
:: Claudio Germak. Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy)
:: Daniela Tamburini. Sperimenta Centro Studi Cinema e Formazione di Milano (Italy)
:: Danny Barrantes. University of Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
:: Derrick de Kerchove. University of Toronto (Canada)
:: Diego González. IMM, National Research Council (Italy)
:: Farshad Fotauhi. Wayne State University (USA)
:: Filippo Bergamasco. Ca' Foscari University (Italy)
:: Franco Casali. University of Bologna (Italy)
:: Georgios Styliaras. University of Ioannina (Greece)
:: Hugo Scolnik. University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
:: Jaap van Till. HAN University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
:: Jonathan Miller. University of Virginia (USA)
:: José Hamkalo. University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
:: Juan Silva Salmerón. University of Ottawa (Canada)
:: Jurek Kirakowski. University College Cork (Ireland)
:: Juri Hwang. University of Southern California (USA)
:: Kaoru Sumi. Future University Hakodate (Japan)
:: Klementina Možina. University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
:: Koen van Turnhout. Hogeschool van Arnhem (The Netherlands)
:: Laura Gaytán Lugo. University of Colima (Mexico)
:: Laurence Bender. National University of Tres de Febrero (Argentina)
:: Marc Dubois. Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
:: Marilú Lebrón Vázquez. University of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
:: Miguel Cipolla Ficarra. Alaipo & Ainci (Italy & Spain)
:: Mohamed Hamada. University of Aizu (Japan)
:: Özkan Kiliç. Middle East Technical University (Turkey)
:: Pablo Marrero Negrón. University of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
:: Peter Stanchev. Kettering University (USA)
:: Pivovarova Liudmila. Moscow State University (Russia)
:: Reiko Hishiyama. Waseda University (Japan)
:: Rosa Smurra. University of Bologna (Italy)
:: Ruly Darmawan. Institute of Technology Bandung (Indonesia)
:: Silvia Poncio. Interamerican Open University (Argentina)
:: Tetsuo Tamai. University of Tokio (Japan)
:: Tom Murphy. University College Dublin (Ireland)
:: Vigneswara Ilavarasan. Indian Institute of Management Rohtak (India)
:: Wen-Yuan Jen. National United University (Taiwan)
:: William Hudson. The Open University (UK)
:: William Grosky. University of Michigan-Dearborn (USA)
:: Yeonseung Ryu. Myongji University (South Korea)


Chapter proposal guidelines:

The proposal is expected to be 2 - 4 pages, submitted in .doc or .pdf format, composed of title, author(s) (name, affiliation, phone number, and e-mail address), extended abstract (background, related work, principal contributions, references and so on), table of contents, and contact author/s. All enquiries and submissions can be forwarded to handbook@blueherons.net

Additional Notes:

1) Short Chapter: The longest extension of the text varies between 12 and 16 pages ('5,000 - 6,000 words). Long Chapter: The longest extension of the text varies between 24 and 30 pages (8,000 - 15,000 words). Exceptionally, the extension may be longer than this, but each additional page has a 25 euros cost (maximun 4 pages).

2) The chapters that have been positively evaluated by the reviewers (at least three), whose remarks or corrections –in the case there were, having been made by the authors, could be published in the handbook. The publication cost is 375 euros (short chapter) and 395 euros (long chapter), and the payment should be made through a bank transfer to the Blue Herons account, as it is next detailed:

  • Name: Blue Herons
  • Bank: Deutsch Bank :: Central Office
  • Address: viale giovanni XXIII, 21 :: 24021 bergamo (bg) Italy
  • Banking coordinates IBAN: IT02F0310411100000000820435
  • Swift (BIC): DEUTITM1054
Color printing for all our publications

The payment of the transfer has to be made prior to October 16, 2024 for the publication of the chapter. Send us a scanned copy of your bank transfer by email: handbook@blueherons.net Please ensure that you pay any charges you bank may charge. We will send you confirmation by email when we have received your payment.

3) All cancellations received in writing by October 20, 2024 will be fully refunded, less 55 euros which will be deducted for administrative expenses. No refunds will be made from October 21, 2024 onwards.

4) The author or authors will get only one a free copy of the handbook. The costs of certificated post and by airmail are at the expense of the author(s).

5) The author(s) can request more than a copy (until finishing the first edition) with a 40% special discount.

Blue Herons Editions :: 2004 - 2024 :: Celebrating 20 Years :: Canada :: Argentina :: Italy :: Spain

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Others Releases:

Quality and Communicability for Interactive  Hypermedia Systems

Persuasion On-Line and Communicability: The Destruction of Credibility in the Virtual Community and Cognitive Models

Advances in Dynamic and Static Media for Interactive Systems: Communicability, Computer Science and Design (Cipolla-Ficarra, F. et al. Eds. - Blue Herons Editions :: Canada, Argentina, Spain and Italy)

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Strategies for a Creative Future with Computer Science, Quality Design and Communicability

Web Attacks, Security Computer Science and Parochialism of the Cyber Destructors: Concepts and Analysis from Informatics and Social Sciences

Handbook of Research on Interactive Information Quality in Expanding Social Network Communications

New Challenges in Computer Graphics, Robot Vision, Visual Interfaces and Information Sciences

New Perspectives from User Interfaces and Semantic Web: Information Quality, Advanced Interdisciplinary Applications and Combination of the Technologies Challenges

Reimaging the Education and Improving the Interactive Systems: New Researches for Mobile Multimedia, Emerging Devices, Design and Communicability

Optimizing Human-Computer Interaction With Emerging Technologies

Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society

Advancing in Human-Computer Interaction, Creative Technologies and Innovative Content

Cyber Destructors of the Sciences: Studies in Education, Culture, Employment and New Technologies

Expanding Horizonts in Smart Cities, Software Engineering, Mobile Communicability, Cloud Technologies, and Big-data

Examining New Points of View in Web Engineering, Visual Interfaces, Motion Graphics and Human-Computer Communicability

Interaction Techniques and Technologies Applicable to Learning and Teaching: Changing Relations between New Media, Users, Contents and Evaluation of Interactive Systems

Video Games and Aesthetic Function of Computer Graphics in Interactive Systems: Software and Communicability Strategies

Handbook of Research on Software Quality Innovation in Interactive System

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Assessment Methods and Success Factors for Digital Education and New Media

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